Hello, I am creating a landscape importing in unreal height, flow, curvature and erosion map created in houdini, but my edit layers area under the “manage” landscape tab is empty and I do not know why.
This is what I have done:
I have created a landscape material, then its material instance.
This is how my material looks like:
I have created a landscape importing a 16bit height map created with houdini. I have assigned the instanced material to it, I have created the layer info for each of the layer, I have uploaded a different map for each layer (as explained here, link at the precise time Houdini Heightfield and Layers to Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube) and then I have clicked on “import”. The landscape was created and the map where applied. Under the “paint” tab I can see the target layers, as you see in this screenshot.
Now I would like to change the map files used (inverting the flow map with the erosion map)apply different materials, and apply those materials using flow maps, erosion map and curvature map created in houdini.
In UE4, you could right click on the layer (Reference 2: Biomes - Procedurally Generate Masks from Real Terrain Data using LIDAR and Houdini - YouTube)and then “import map”. But this functionality looks gone in UE5. In UE5 you are supposed to go under the “manage” tab, and then right click on the layers under “edit layers” and change the textures, but I do not see any layers in the manage tab.
Any ideas about what went wrong?