Hey guys! So I know I have asked a few times about Material Functions, But I feel to get the in-depth realism of a material, the best way to do it is by using Specular Maps and Occulsion along with Displacement. So I made a Material Function for each layer, (i.e. Cliff Function, Grass Function and so on) and I am trying to add them to a material so that I can manually paint the materials to my landscape. I am trying to achieve this by using a LandscapeLayerBlend node and adding the links to from the function call to the blend node but of course they can’t communicate because attribute nodes cannot plug into a float2 or float3 node. Is there any way to achieve my overall goal with material functions or maybe even make a material with all the different texture speculars combined together to plug into the MaterialAttributes? Thanks in advance!
This question is best placed in the ‘Rendering’ category.
I have placed my questions in that category at least 5 times and never got a reply. I asked here once (other than now) about a similar topic and it was answered right away. I feel I will render better results from this category.