Landscape Material Black

Hello community! I have a terrible error that stops me from developing my project. So here it goes, my material always worked fine. But since update 4.26.1 this happened. I decided to sculpt my terrain and SUDDENTLY everything went black. No idea. After a lot of testing and lot of research, no luck. Then i figured out that the node LandscapeLayerBlend its causing the issue. But i need that node. I don’t know what went wrong, but I’m 99% this is an engine bug, and its a ground breaking one, at least for me. I will put some screenshots.

I tried without the node and the landscape finally the material works, but i need the layerblend node.
I tried redoing the layer info and the fill layer option. Literally nothing.
I don’t know what else to do.
I would seriously appreciate some help!