Is there any way to remove bad landscape layers in UE5? For some reason, something broke along the way and messed up my layer info… and now I can’t a) access the actual assets to delete or b) just delete them from the landscape screen. I just want to reset all of my layer info and can’t wrap my head around how - I’m pretty sure deleting everything and starting over from scratch in a new level/project isn’t the answer…
This problem still exists in UE 5.2, I don’t understand why there is no None option.
But, there is workaround I just figured out
- Browse to that layerinfo in Content Browser (e.g. using the icon next to layer)
- Press CTRL-D to duplicate it
- Select the duplicate as layerinfo for that layer (e.g. drag it to replace the old in the landscape editor)
- Delete the asset in Content Browser
Now the Layerinfo for that layer says None
Note that you cannot use the same duplicate to clear other layerinfos, you need to repeat the process for each of them.
Note also that after this next time the level is opened there will be bunch of warnings but after level is saved, everything seems ok.
I really hope Epic will fix this soon.
A problem in 5.3 too. But this worked.
I am currently using 5.4.4 and you can do this in Landscape mode in the “paint” submenu you can delete layers by right clicking on the layer (there is also the option to clear in this r-click context menu), and unless I’m wildly misremembering you’ve been able to do this for quite a while.
Now if only this functionality were accessible in construction script…