I am having this issue where my landscape keeps glitching.
This has been happening through various UE5 versions and with different landscapes.
Currently its a 4065x4065 landscape but it would happen at 2k and different component sizes etc.
Sometimes the glitches disappear when saving which is weird, but most of the times I have to restart the project.
I have tried increasing memory pool size and deleting most actors from the level but this always happens.
Landscape will become blocky when first loading because the renderer is using a lower terrain texture LOD that is lower resolution. So it looks like a block world or Minecraft. That is normal.
But if your Landscape is switching to that during regular editing, then the terrain texture LOD is switching to a lower MIP for some reason.
The LOD is distance based, have you messed with any of the Landscape properties?
What happens if you create an entirely new Level and a new Landscape, does it work fine?
This error has happened in a leveo with only the same landscape (and a basic light setup) and in different projects, across different installs of ue5.
One thing to note tho is that I am on a 3060ti with 8gb vram and I often get the “out of memory pool”. I believe this happens regardless of how much memmory os allocated.
In this project I am using Unreal Sensei’s landscape material, rvts for mesh blending, and quixel 4k textures, a 4klandscape and splat maps made in worldcreator. my intended use is cinematics so I didnt take too much considerarion for heavy otimizations. Is it normal Unreal can’t handle this?
(This used to happen with a 2k landscape with way less components and only 2 texture layers)
I must add that this isn’t the only glitch I see. Some times instead of blocky indentures the landscape becomes all spiky as if it had a very high frequency noise applied. I will try to post pictures later.
Thanks for helping
If you are running out of video memory texture pool bad enough, then the Landscape textures used to render the terrain mesh Sections will probably drop to lower MIPS, which will make the terrain blocky.
What happens if you increase your streaming pool size?
Next time you look at this in the editor, open Task Manager and click on the GPU section, and look at your Dedicated and Shared video memory statistics, how high are both of those?
Dedicated video memory is the amount of physical memory on your GPU.
Shared video memory is 50% of your installed main memory.
So you can increase the total amount of video memory available to apps by just adding more main memory to your computer, so that the Shared video memory value is higher.
This might be cheaper than buying a new video card.
UE5 is also really a hog when it comes to video memory.
On my R9-5950X, ASUS ROG X570, 128GB computer system, I recently upgraded from an RTX-3080 10GB to an RTX-3090 24GB because I was running out of video memory during Level development all of the time.
If I increase memory pool size this eventually happens too.
I think you are 100% right but what is weird to me is how fast it reaches that cap. I have only 16gb memory so I might want to upgrade ram.
Other than increasing ram do you know how to change mip settings, like prevent it from changing mips or set a cap so it doesnt go as low?
There is no limiting on the MIP reduction, that is a function of the texture pool when the engine runs out of video memory.
I get low resolution MIP landscape texturing all of the time on large Landscape projects, where the terrain textures are really low resolution and blurry.
Nothing fixes that but more texture pool.
The only way to lower the Texture Memory Pool usage is fewer and smaller textures.
Both for the Material and for the Landscape Sections.
That means 512 and 1024 textures sizes for Materials, not using Normalmap or Specular or Rough textures, and smaller Landscape sizes such as 2017 or less so that there is fewer textures required to render the Landscape itself.
The only other thing to do is increase main memory and video memory, which means buying more RAM and upgrading the video card.
I don’t think I would try doing any serious work in UE5 with only 16GB of main memory and an 8GB video card. That is also only 16GB of Shared video memory possible.
You could probably get away with 32GB of main memory and the 8GB video card, but even then you are really restricting what you can do with the engine. With a computer with 32GB/8GB I would limit my work to really small terrains and only a few 1024 textures in the Landscape Material.
I have 128GB main memory and a 24GB video card, and I still run out of memory when working on large projects that should really be possible.
What happens if you create a single Diffuse texture Material for the Landscape and assign that? Does the Landscape go back to rendering properly?
Ok. It would be an interesting test.
It would show whether your Landscape Material is too expensive for textures.
If you are using UE5 you could also set the Loading Range to a really small value so that fewer Landscape cells are loaded, that would cut down on the Landscape texture usage.
Every Landscape Section that is loaded in the viewport is a drawcall and an associated texture.
So if you have a large amount of Landscape visible, that uses up the Texture Pool really quickly.
For large size Landscapes (greater than 8129) each Section is a 512x512 texture.
I tried that but for limited time because I needed more materials. It didn’t happen for an hour or so but that seems a bit inconclusive to me. Because I went back to the 3 layers I had and even added a 4th and now it isn’t happening so often either…
Tho I think it being a matter of low vram maekes sense. Sometimes its not just the landscape. Everything within the app gets graphical glitches from textures to UI… Maybe its even a bad Gpu…
Thanks for the help. I will try to otimize textures.
My experience with UE5 is that it requires a powerful computer to be able to properly develop content on it.
I’m using an R9-5950X, 128GB, RTX-3090 and I can easily run out of main memory or video memory when working on large worlds.
I am using a GTX 1070 and 16GB of RAM and don’t find this to be problematic except when using the landscape sculpting tools and edit layers (which absolutely demolish VRAM for some reason).