Landscape Grass Output not spawning

Hey everyone! I’m struggling to render grass on my auto landscape using the landscape grass output node. Heres screeenshots of my material editor code, landscape grass type, and my landscape where the grass isn’t rendering.

I’ve restarted, and called grass.FlushCache multiple times. This is Unreal 5.1
Does anyone have any idea why it might not be working correctly? I appeciate any help! Thanks!


Have the same problem, might be a bug. However, if you have your landscape layers setup, you should be able to select your grass layer and still be able to spawn the grass by painting it with the landscape paint selection. I also notice that the mesh you selected was a cube. Not sure if you meant to do that or not.

Hey, i also had the same issue, for me i had the scalability settings in the editor on low and that disables that for some stupid reason (im so mad this took me like 5 hours to figure out)

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Hi, I don’t know if you have solved the problem, but today I find a possible reason, to solve it, just switch the scalablity