Landscape grass not showing

I want grass type like this video Quick Unreal Engine 4 Grass Tutorial - YouTube
But its not working. Here is some screenshoot

Let’s see.
You have probably figured it out.

It may be that your layer names do not match.
‘grass’ vs ‘Grass’

Or I have had the issue where I am using world composition and in a test map, the grass type works.
But in the world composition map, it does not. I have to recreate the material layers for each map to ‘force’ UE4
to re compute the materials on each map.

Добрый день, я думаю, что проблема в Sample “Grass”.
Там нужно будет поставить Preview Weight “1”

I think I found the solution:

grass.flushcache console command works to fix that


Just to add up in case anyone still experiencing this bug. I was using auto material with procedural grass on landscape. Somehow it says that I need to rebuild the grass map. I did but then all the foliage disappeared. My fix is to clear the parent material of the auto material instance, then reselect it. All of the foliage shows again.

also, try building the grassmap again after reselecting the parent material

Another possible reason why the grass isn’t visible: low scalability settings. I keep learning this the hard way.

Thanks man, you’re a lifesaver. This worked for me! Thank you!