Landscape disappears upon entering gaming mode.

Landscape disappears upon entering gaming mode. I’m relatively new to Unreal Engine, some help would be appreciated. I imported a heightmap for my landscape, I’ve tried resampling a couple of times but it didn’t work.

Hey @anonymous_user_f2a28a56! Welcome to the Forums!

A few questions to get things started:

  • Where is your player start location? It looks as if you are loading underneath your landscape.
  • If you place actors/static meshes with gravity on the surface, do they fall through?

And additional specifics and information you can provide will be a big help in solving your problem!

Player start location is slightly above the landscape where the issue occurs. Also static meshes do not load at all in the area in game mode.

I’ve found that unchecking “Enable Streaming” in world settings fixes this but also causes performance issues