Landscape Collision Not Working When Streamed

Hello, Using 5.3.2
This issue only appears in my shipped build.

Steps to reproduce.

  1. Create Level Stream Volume
  2. Add Landscape to a sub level
  3. Set sub level to spawn via blueprint
  4. Trigger sub level that contains landscape.
  5. Try to walk on landscape.

For me I’ll fall through every time as if there is no collision.
Whats odd is in PIE it works as expected, in standalone from editor it works as expected with the collision working.

Now back to the shipped build.
If i take that same landscape and move it to the persistent level and rebuild my shipping package then all collision works as intended.

Am I missing some regenerative option that needs to happen when you stream in a landscape to ensure collision regenerates?

Here are some other things that might help with the debug since none of these had any effect for me.

  1. Ive tried both nanite and non nanite landscapes.
  2. Tried landscapes with the world grid material and custom landscape materials.
  3. Tried all types of collision settings (I.e block, type, etc)
  4. Tried triggering the level stream multiple ways (Volumes, straight BP and C+

Thanks in advance.

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I’m having a similar issue in 5.3.0 did you ever discover a solution?

Happens to me also, solutions?