I have been working on landscape and I was able to import tiled landscapes but when I tried to interract with the basic Third Person Character template with default collision capsule I started to see some strange reactions, on some parts of the terrain (mainly plane areas) the character was aligned with the terrain as it should.
But in other areas (especially slopes) my character was basically going into the ground and right though the heightmap’s mesh as in the images :
As you can see the character goes into the terrain, but it doesn’t slip through and fall, it simply appears like if the wireframe was wrong and is representing the visual part of the landscape, the material and that the actual collision information was somewhat offset from that grid. (Btw the issue doesn’t come from the character’s collision as this replicates with any other type of actors with different collision).
Is there a way to use to align the collision with the material ?
Thank you for your help.