i’ve been trying to make an apple roll down a hill for the better part of the day, still having no idea what’s the issue, i tried playing with collision mip level, collision presets, and still my apple falls through the landscape, can anybody help?
Increase the landacape collision thickness and enable physics sub stepping.
just tried enabling sub stepping and increasing the landscape collision thickness, the apple only seems to be falling faster, still no interaction between the ground and the apple in question…
Well then, your collision channels must be off…
Put the landacape as static and make sure the apple blocks static…
Where is that option “collision thickness”?
There isn’t one.
You have to create the collision that way - or in the case of the landscape it’s called ZBounds extension.
Click the landscape, go to landscape in the details, and it should be right under the material itself.
Actually I take that back.
The landscape itself Also has a Collision Thickness value.
The fact that you can mesh under the landscape effortlessly is beyond the point/fact that the option is available…
Select the landscape, go to the details panel, scroll down to collision.
Among other options you have a nice Collision Thickness value that should default to 16.
Change it to 100 or so. See how things go.
Probably use the search or click/open advanced.
If you still cant find it, create a bug report. Its there in .24/.25 and .27…