Landscape collision color and weird vehicle jumps

Driving my vehicle to drive across a completely flat landscape the vehicle occasionally jumps with one of its wheels. When I drive across a large cube, the vehicle drives normally, indicating a problem with the landscape. Note that my vehicle is a skeletal mesh with no suspension (constraints lock the position of wheels) and adding a small limited suspension makes no difference.

When viewing the landscape collision with command pxvis collision there exist patches of the landscape collision mesh that are colored differently (instead of black is red or green). When I come across this patch, right on the boundary the vehicle jumps as if there is an obstacle. These patches share some edges with landscape tiles but none is completely on a single tile, indicating the problem is not with some tiles.

I use a layered material for my landscape so I examined the layer density of the landscape. The colored collision seems to occur only on tiles with multiple layers (where 2 different textures blend) and near the boundaries between materials.

  1. Does anybody know how to interpret these collision mesh colors?
  2. Any idea what might be causing the vehicle to jump on boundaries of these areas?

Ok, so the problem isn’t only on these areas. The problem is everywhere on the landscape if the speed is sufficiently large (above ~20 km/h). If I stack a bunch of small (1×1 m) cubes to drive over, the vehicle also jumps. Could it have something to do with the edges in the mesh of the surface?

Maybe the vehicle collision? I configured the PHAT to use spheres as wheel collision. Note that my vehicle has tracks which I approximate by using 9 wheels on each side (2 large and 7 small along the middle part).

Does anybody have any experience with this movement artifacts in multi-wheeled vehicles?

Can anyone at least confirm this? Just make a skeletal vehicle (without the PhysX plugin) that has multiple wheels (more than 4) constrained not to move xyz and only to rotate around one axis, also with collision disabled if it touches the body collision. In the BP on input add torque to bones and just drive it straight over a landscape. Does it sometimes hop with sufficient speed?

There was a previous report of this “jumpy” behavior on landscape on high speeds with suspension: [ASSETS] [OPEN SOURCE] Tanks, tracks and N-wheeled vehicles - #184 by BoredEngineer - Game Development - Epic Developer Community Forums

Have you somehow solved this? I have the same problem.

try going to project settings and under physics lower the min contact offset and max contact offset amounts