(honestly I don’t know if it’s a bug or a setting that I touched that causes this, so I put it in the “bug” category because from my point of view it is one)
In my landscape on UE4.26 I had 3 “Landscape_CustomBrush_Landmass_X” and I therefore decided to switch my project to UE5.3 for many reasons, the problem is that when I am in the “Landscape” category on UE5 my mountains literally “disappear”.
And there, where on UE4 I had (in the “Edit Layer Blueprint Brushes” category) the name of the 3 Brushes, on UE5 there is just “none” …
If you ever have additional steps to do regarding the upgrade from UE4 to UE5 which could allow me to keep my brushes I am interested