Landscape architect is a procedural landscape generator. It lets you design and build landscapes within the UE4 editor workflow and automatically takes care of setting up the materials, foliage, world composition etc
I’ve implemented a perlin noise node that creates the basic structure for mountains. I’ve also implemented an erosion node that runs a erosion algorithm over the mountain to make it look more realistic. I’ll be adding a lot more nodes and various tooling to define roads, rivers etc
Apart from the Heightmap based landscapes (which UE4 supports), I’m looking to add support for Voxel based landscapes by implementing all the awesomeness in this gpu gems article
These are 4 patches created with a random seed. You can create new patches anywhere on the map The meshes are continuous so tessellation should be possible
The generation is a bit slow and I’ll be speeding it up with multi-threading (maybe GPGPU if possible within the editor)
Another density model where the noise function is strategically stretched along the surface to give it a rock like look (notice the lines running along the surface to give it a cliff like look)
Thanks! The voxel landscape works during runtime. However I’m not sure of the Heightmap based. From a quick overview I had, UE4 removes the landscape editing features from the runtime build and is available only in the editor module. I’ll look for a workaround for the runtime height map landscapes