Landscape and assets that disappear with distance

Hello everyone,

I encounter a display problem in my project without knowing where it comes from:

As you can see in the video capture of my screen

, the assets and landscape disappear depending on how far away I am.

I searched on google but a lot of tutorials/forums talk about LOD, but that’s not the problem I’m having.
(here, it is a question of assets & landscapes which disappear with distance, not the level of detail of assets & landscapes which decreases with distance). - Do you know which setting to enable/disable to display my entire project again?

Do we activate this option with a keyboard shortcut? (Sometimes I activated it by mistake by going a little too fast with the computer keyboard…).

Thank you very much for your feedback and help!

Hey @Steadyglint!

The setting you’re looking for is “Distance culling”, meaning it will un-draw things more than a certain value away from the camera and redraw them when they get close enough- this is utilized for performance purposes.

This user seems to have a similar issue- I can’t guarantee this will fix your issue, hopefully simply knowing what the setting is called will help you find it. But you could try this as well, just in case! :slight_smile:

hi @Mind-Brain,

yes of course this setting is “culling distance”, like for foliage, but where can I change that? Nobody talks about it (deactivating the landscape and its assets which are far away) yet it seems to me that it is the basis of optimization for games! Is this an extremely mysterious setting or is this once again another unreal engine bug? PS: the solution in this topic that you cited to me seems to only work on UE4 (the icon where it is clicked is no longer present on UE5, and it does not give any more detail).
Thank you anyway for your feedback.

Well, it’s really a display problem, but not of the entire project, just of the window. Because the simple fact of changing windows, and switching to “perspective” view, the entire project is displayed again. A view parameter must have been wrongly changed in the first working window.

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