LAN mode with a STEAM game

Hello, I am developing a game for Steam, and for the entire multiplayer aspect, I am using STEAMCORE PRO.

The game works without any problems both on Steam and outside of Steam.

Now, I am implementing the option to play LAN (offline) to allow multiplayer without an internet connection. However, the only way it works is with a development (debug) build and with the Steam application closed. Shipping builds do not work unless they are through Steam, so I can’t run a non-debug version of the game without having Steam open, and this is when I can’t connect clients because it seems like Steam is occupying port 7777, and it doesn’t allow me to connect via LAN, even if I check the LAN option when creating the session.

Any clue?


adding this to DefaultEngine.ini allows to make LAN work using STEAM but it still requiring Internet connection. If I cut Internet, then clients cant join the LAN session.
