June 23, 2014, 12:42am
Is it possible to use a lambda as a slate delegate for generating items in a SListView?
SNew(SListView<TSharedRef<FString> >)
.OnGenerateRow([](TSharedRef<FString> string)->TSharedRef < ITableRow > {return SNew(STextBlock).Text((*string)); })
I’m guessing that if it is possible I’d have to wrap this somehow as an actual delegate, as I get an error about being unable to convert from the lambda to a RetVal_TwoParams delegate. Is this the case, and if so how would I go about doing so?
Does RetVal_TwoParams mean that your lambda should accept two arguments?
June 23, 2014, 5:47am
According to the comments in SListView.h:
* A sample implementation of OnGenerateWidgetForList would simply return a TextBlock with the corresponding text:
* TSharedRef<ITableRow> OnGenerateWidgetForList( FString* InItem )
* {
* return SNew(STextBlock).Text( (*InItem) )
* }
Bearing this in mind, I shouldn’t need two parameters in the lambda, because the sample delegate function provided there doesn’t take two.
June 23, 2014, 9:40am
Thanks for the clarification, Jamie. Will give it a shot and see how things go
That comment is wrong (perhaps old), I’ve updated it.
FOnGenerateRow needs two parameters, your item, and the owner table. To update the example you used above, this would be:
TSharedRef<ITableRow> OnGenerateWidgetForList( FString* InItem, const TSharedRef<STableViewBase>& OwnerTable )
return SNew(STextBlock).Text( (*InItem) )
You should be able to use a lambda providing they don’t capture anything. Our delegates don’t really support lambdas, but they do support static function pointers, and a stateless lambda will convert to a function pointer.
October 31, 2019, 1:31pm
A little bit late, but you can now wrap a lambda in a TAttribute similar to this (just change types to whatever you need):
.Text(TAttribute<FText>::Create(TAttribute<FText>::FGetter::CreateLambda([&](){ return Something.GetText(); })))
October 31, 2019, 1:31pm
Or even better:
.Text_Lambda([&](){ return Something.GetText(); })
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Tried it, that works. Looked for this for a really long time, wish I had found this answer earlier