Lack of feedback for your made models

I feel compared to Fabs predecessor Sketchfab, it lacks a lot of key features that made that website great.

The lack of feedback on my models is a huge problem for me, the only time i know a model is doing good is if a person buys it. As far as i know, there’s no way to see the view count no normal like count as it has been replaced by ratings that only show when you get enough of them. Theres no comment section for feedback on my models by the community. And one of the biggest things, why can’t i see what people are downloading.

Basically, I wish there was more ways to see what people are doing with my models. I could be creating things that absolutely no one wants, and it’s meant my once okay amounts of downloads and purchases have dried up and i can’t find out what i need to focus on so i can create new things. Which is one of the reasons i mainly just upload free stuff on Sketchfab now as i don’t know how they do on here comparatively.