Hi all, having a problem with localized texture and sprite assets in my project. These assets load fine use the PIE stand alone game with command line for example “-culture=de” but when i use the “set culture” node in a blueprint at runtime and reload the level, only some of these assets are using the localized version. Not sure if there is something i am missing or if this is a bug or something else.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so is there a known fix. i have scoured the forums and google but can’t find a solution.
Localised assets don’t currently support hot-reloading, so if something has loaded them before you change your culture, the new assets won’t be loaded until the old ones get unloaded. Level reloads are generally a good way to do this, but it sounds like you might still have some lingering references that are keeping the old assets alive.
Thanks Jamie, i have tried doing a level reload to refresh the assets, what references are likely to keeping these assets from unloading. A lot of them are showing up un-translated the first time they are seen.
I have a release apk with en culture assets. And if i need to make a dlc with zh or jp culture assets(not only string, also include png assets).
Can u tell me a proper way to do this in ue?
Thank u