Kronos Matchmaking Plugin

Kronos Matchmaking is a complete matchmaking solution for Unreal Engine featuring skill based matchmaking, parties, game lobbies, and more!


Working on a multiplayer project, but don’t know how to get players into the same game?
This plugin handles the entire process of connecting players into the same game automatically! All you have to do is start matchmaking and watch the magic happen! Of course there is no magic behind the scenes, just a complex C++ code base handling everything from finding and joining sessions, to resolving connections, requesting reservations, and establishing the connection with the desired host.

Start matchmaking with a single Blueprint node!
Once matchmaking is started, everything is handled by the plugin automatically! Sessions will be queried and the player will join the best available session. If no sessions were found, the matchmaking will decide whether to widen the search range and start a new search, or whether it should switch over to hosting role - creating a new session. These decisions are made based on the parameters you’ve set for the matchmaking.


  • Skill Based Matchmaking
  • Parties
  • Game Reservations
  • Game Lobbies
  • Blueprint Support
  • Full Source Code Access

I’ve spent over 2 years on this plugin, and I’m very happy how it turned out. This is a huge time saver for indies, and a perfect learning material for programmers. If you have any questions, please let me know!

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