该 Kotman needs your help!

My name is . I am an independent developer. Soon I am going to realize my first game, that was made only by me. I can’t afford to hire a professional translator for my game. Nevertheless, I would like to provide native description at least for some languages.
Can you help me?

Please help me to translate some text below:

The game title:
该 Kotman.

The game description:

该Kotman - 城市的保护者!


The game slogan:

The game banner:

Thank you for your time.

Original description in english.

The game title:
The Kotman.

The game description:
A cat can fly over buildings, if cat can fly…

In day time he is just an ordinary cat. He buys a cat food, drink a milk with his friends after his hard work. But…
If any insolent dog try to bark on a respected cat, if kittens in trouble, if a pussycat needs a help…
He turns into a super cat and flies to help! Because he is the Kotman, a half cat and half super cat.
The Kotman - a protector of the city!

Please notice:
This game was developed by one man for your entertainment, don’t expect much. Just play and have fun!

The game slogan:
Adopt the cat,
Install the game!

The game banner:
Being the Kotman is very reponsible.

By the way,what is your mother tongue?


No, machine translation too stupid, you might try single sentence translation.

The game description is not clear
I hard understand “A cat can fly over buildings, if cat can fly…”
What If behind?
Maybe you speak Russian, I used the translation can better understand.

How do you a person to complete the game? This is really cool
Do you use Skype Translation ?

This is really a cool idear !

Hey Alex, I mark the translated part in BLUE, the comment in RED
I hope this might help.

Original description in english.

The game title: 游戏标题
The Kotman.(I would call it 猫侠, if you want the title to be translated :p)

The game description游戏概述: (I know what you trying to say, but if I would translate, maybe it’s a little bit different from your original, just trying to be not “translate” style of Chinese.)
A cat can fly over buildings, if cat can fly…

In day time he is just an ordinary cat. He buys a cat food, drink a milk with his friends after his hard work. But…
If any insolent dog try to bark on a respected cat, if kittens in trouble, if a pussycat needs a help…
He turns into a super cat and flies to help! Because he is the Kotman, a half cat and half super cat.
The Kotman - a protector of the city!
白天,他只是一只普通的猫。他每天工作,买猫粮,下班和朋友们一起喝喝牛奶,但是… …
如果一条恶狗对着一只受尊敬的猫咆哮,如果一个美女猫遇到险境,如果一只小猫咪需要帮助的时候,他便挺身而出,变身成超猫,飞来帮忙(this part might not be the best translate, I was thinking the version two might be something like "他便变成超猫,从天而降,挺身而出“ this might sound like more hero-ish, but i don know, maybe someone come up better idea, so I just keep the old version for safe) 他,是半猫半超猫;他,就是猫侠(the Kotman)!
猫侠, 城市的守卫者!

Please notice:
This game was developed by one man for your entertainment, don’t expect much. Just play and have fun!
(this part, I have two versions for you to decide, one is more official translate, the other is more modern, more oral and fun translate.)
Officially Translate:
Spoken Chinese would be:

The game slogan:
Adopt the cat,
Install the game!

The game banner:
Being the Kotman is very reponsible.

ps. I translated in simplified Chinese for China Mainland use, if you want also for Hongkong and Taiwan use, you probably need trough in google translate and translate in either one of the traditional Chinese. Note, most of the China main land ppl can also read traditional Chinese.

猫侠这个称呼看起来有点奇怪的说,一般都是三个字的侠吧,比如 喵咪侠。。。。