Export Control points with XYZ coordinates
It is possible to edit the controlpoints.xml file located in the RealityCapture folder found in your computer to customize the export to your needs.
This information is helpful…
Works great ! Would it be possible to export the dimensions as lines (in 3d) to be used as a 3d dfx file ? or something importable in a cad file ?
Hi ArgosVR, you can export shapes from RealityCapture as JSON format.
Thanks for the answer. I don’t see this option on the menu. How do you do that ? And by the way, is it possible to connect control points with lines and then export shapes ? I don’t see anything online about that.
Thanks !
To use shapes you need to have created ortho.
Then you can create shapes under Ortho 2D tab/Tools/Edit/Measure
To export shapes as JSON it is under Export/Shapes
Unfortunately, it is not possible to connect control points. But there is similar way as for XYZ coordinates to create own report or export. More about this you can find in the application Help under
CPs and Constraints (Functions and Variables Available in the Reports)
Hi, I’ve been trying to make this work for a couple of days but still only get the option to export the control points as XY. Ive copied and pasted the code and commented out the original code.
These are the options i get when exporting control points
and these are the options i get when exporting ground control points
Sadly when doing a test export with all these setting i still dont get XYZ only XY.
Can anyone help please?
Hi Andy,
try to paste this instead (I added there Comma separated true, just to be sure it was implemented and slightly changed IDs):
<format id="{CE348030-6853-4582-9904-458D3B8C2400}" mask="*.csv" descID="9384" desc="Comma separated true, Name, X, Y, Alt" writer="CapturingReality.Export.ControlPoints" specificCoordSystem="1" >
<body>$ExportControlPoints($(name), $(actualX:.3f), $(actualY:.3f), $(actualZ:.3f)
Save the file, be sure you want to export just Tie points (not GCPs) and select the option Export → Ground Control
Also, if this won’t work close and reopen your project. If it won’t work, reset the application using Make it like a clean install (open RC with pushed SHIFT and choose that option)
Hi Ondrej,
Thank you for the detailed post and example format configuration for exporting ground control points. It’s very helpful!
I have a follow-up question: Is it possible to also import data in this customized format (e.g., with fields like actualX
, actualY
, and actualZ
) back into the project?
If yes, could you share any guidance or steps on how to create a custom importer for such data?
Thanks in advance for your insight!
Hello Festina-Lente,
that is basically the ordinary GCP import.