Knowledge Base: CLI sample scripts

CLI sample scripts
Many features of RealityCapture can be used directly via the command line or by running a script. They are passed to the application as parameters of RealityCapture.exe and executed in a sequence.

There are no scripts int the zip for “Creating orthographic projection from in a georeferenced scene”. The zip only includes images and control points. I checked some of the other zip folders and those I checked all have scripts. Have they been forgotten in this folder?

LiU-AK, thank you for noticing. We will add the scripts ASAP.

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can you please share the script ASAP, we have a project which is blocked ,as we are having issues with orthographic projection using CLI script.

Hi ,
Is there a place where we can find all the XML settings? I found the CLI commands page, but I cannot find any information on where all the settings are.

Thank you.

Hi @zaNU,
-set commands can be find here: RealityCapture Help
For some settings you need to use just XML files.

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