KismetSystemLibrary - deprecated LineTrace function

So, in UE 4.14 I needed some more advanced LineTrace function, since normal UWorld::LineTrace gives me an option to ignore only one actor. I found some good LineTrace function in UKismetSystemLibrary class, but here is one thing that bothers me - the one I want to use is called DEPRECATED and uses ECollisionChannel (which I use and is very suitable for my needs), the one that is labelled as NEW uses ETraceTypeQuery which is rather confusing. There exist some convert functions, but I don’t understand why to bother with change of types in the first place. Can someone smart explain that to me?

Ehm, I looked into source files. Clever Epic, clever.

bool UKismetSystemLibrary::LineTraceMulti_NEW(UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor, FLinearColor TraceHitColor, float DrawTime)
	return LineTraceMulti_DEPRECATED(WorldContextObject, Start, End, UEngineTypes::ConvertToCollisionChannel(TraceChannel), bTraceComplex, ActorsToIgnore, DrawDebugType, OutHits, bIgnoreSelf, TraceColor, TraceHitColor, DrawTime);

bool UKismetSystemLibrary::LineTraceMulti_DEPRECATED(UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor, FLinearColor TraceHitColor, float DrawTime)

If I would really want to use NEW function I could use UEngineTypes::ConvertToTraceType but… do I really need to?