King of Retail

For many years i had an idea from when i was the manager of a retail store. I would like to mix the Sims expansion Open For Business, with a more realistic approach to running a store. I didn’t know how to program or how to make graphics. This was about the same time that UE4 came out, so that is why i chose it at the time.
Last year, i found two others ( who didn’t know Unreal either) and we started the project.
So a massive amount of hours later, and a lot of learning projects, the game has today been released for Early Access on Steam. A proud moment indeed :smiley:

Unlike the different tycoon games, this is a first-person-management game, where you as the manager must perform all the tasks involved in running a store. You must do following:

  • Article management from ordering, handling stock, pricing and placing.

  • Store Decoration. Selecting floors, walls, display types, store logo and color.

  • Store expansion. Allocating lots to different parts of the store.

  • Staff management. Interview, negotiate, hire, schedule, assgin and motivate your staff.

  • Customer handling. Find the customer types of your city. What are their needs, and what are the trends. Find the customer flow, and the best opening hours. And off course, perform sales to the customer.

  • Next up will be marketing in-store, outside, and campaigns, along with an improved person interacting system, along ith better staff personalities and traits.

Focus is currently on improving gameplay, so existing features will be filled with content later on.

Please take a look at:

Comments, feedabck and ideas are much appreciated :slight_smile: