Kindle Fire HD 6

Hello, I’m hoping someone can help.

I’m getting a crash at start on Kindle Fire HD 6, I’ve attached a log, this is a blank project loading an empty map, so I don’t believe the problem is anything with my code. I’m getting the same error at the same point in my actual project as well, which runs fine on my HTC Sensation Z710e phone.

I believe I have all my Android build tools up to date. NDK r10e, JDK 1.7.0_71, Apache-ant-1.8.2

Is there anything obvious I’m missing or is the Kindle Fire HD 6 just not supported?

Many thanks, have fun.


Would you mind creating an AnswerHub post with additional information? Please make sure that you include your output from the editor, your logcat files from using Monitor.bat and include the file from this post as well.


Make sure you are packaging the entire thing into the APK with no OBB file, it should work after that.

Well, did you get it to work?