Killzone + respawn in one go - Error

aI have set up my player controller to handle easy switching to multiple kinds of pawns (different cars), which works fine, what I’m struggling to understand is how do I trigger the same respawn from a normal actor that i’ve set up as a killzone.

Is it possible to trigger possesing of a new spawn from an actor blueprint? I could not figure out what to plug into the target of posses (I’ve created/tried different variables referencing the player controller with no luck - all generates “none”)

the target of posess is a playercontroller (shown in the blueprint node under posess) so you need to feed in a “getplayercontroller” for example. also you should put the destroyActor to the end of the flow. depending on how quickly UE eliminates that actor you’re calling destroy - the rest of the code will not be executed otherwise