Kidney Stone Surgery Simulation

Hello , first of all i ve been developing this project with quite basic knowledge of animation in UE4.

i currently have a little to no information if the animation im doing in UE4 is right or not.

SO here i ve attached some videos of a human body model, with some organs and kidney model ( using the same animation data and skeleton) and the second model is a stone with animation effect i imported from maya. the stone animation itself was made in maya using maya FX bullet and the breathing animation used some joints binded to the model then animated manually.

on video 1 which captured from maya viewport , on the middle of the ureter model i attached an additional joint so then when i import the animation to UE4 i could use it as a parent socket for the stone model to follow the up and down movement.

My goal is to create a kind of “sequence” where i could play it like a video.
for example i want to make a 1 minute of kidney stone surgery simulation. the first step stone is idling until a certain frame / seconds then it will break up at the next few seconds. instead of playing the animation repeatedly, would it be posible
do i have to use the unreal sequence or matinee? feel free to give a feedback or ideas ^^!

for additional infos the inhale animation is 72 frames ( 3seconds) and exhale 120 frames (5seconds) / 8 seconds of breathing animation in total