Keyframing Morph Targets without Material Change


I’ve tried searching around the forums and google but couldn’t find a definitive answer. What I’d like to know is, upon a successful import of a Skeletal Mesh with a range of Blendshapes / Morph Targets for facial animation, is there anyway of getting these to animate / activate / use float curves with within Unreal Engine 4?

I have tried adding the blendshapes to an existing skeletal animation by using an Anim Curve, eg: Blinking whilst walking. Whilst I can keyframe said blendshape using the anim float curve and it updates wonderfully in the persona animation window, my character when played in ‘Game Mode’ blinks, but has her face texture completely removed; leaving the familiar grey UE4 checkerboard as her new face material, as if it is looking for a transitional material to blend to.

Is there anyway of preventing this from happening and just doing a simple vertex morph?

Well, dug around a little more, turns out I was looking in the wrong place!

For anyone else wondering how to do this very thing, please go ahead and navigate over to the material in question (the one that turns grey), find the master material if it’s an instance of one and find; in the Details tab a checkbox under the ‘Usage’ category that says 'Used with Morph Targets’

Check that box and magic! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much!