I know in sequencer i can use the time dilation, to key frame the speed, but this is for the whole clip.
How do i keyframe the animation speed of a single character in sequencer please?
I go into the animation settings, and there is rate scale but cannot be keyframed.
Anyone any ideas please? Looked at so many tutorials on YouTube and lots of info re time dilation or changing speed of animation but nothing about actually being able to keyframe it.
Surely they should be a way right?
If I have 2 people fighting and want to sync the action better, so someone is reacting to a hit the same time they get punched for eg, I should be able to slow down/speed up a characters animation for a couple frames etc
The solution is to go into the sequencer (inside animation level sequence) click the + Add button on the left side of screen and then search time dilation - then you can add that track and key frame speed changes throughout the animation