Keyboard input event not working. Only mouse events works

Hi, I tried to see a lot of input tutorials, but weird thing is that only mouse inputs works. Keyboard events are not called. (Well I’ve seen it working sometimes… with confusion why it suddenly works for a while)

Instructions were to call Enable inputs on given actor, but this doesn’t work for keyboard.Even on level blueprint. Also the actor is posessed pawn, so I would thought that inputs would be enabled by default?

One theory is that keyboard events are somehow consumed elsewhere. But my level blueprint is empty.

For a while I decided to use mouse to go around this issue, but now i need more than 3 buttons :slight_smile:

Thanks for any ideas.

Two things with keyboard input ( I assume you mean like X-Pressed ):

  1. Make sure you have input enabled on the BP:

  1. Make sure you don’t have ‘consume input’ ticked:


As above, make sure you always have input enabled on the BP and also make sure that your gamemode is set correctly and that you’re actually controlling the character pawn.

Also ensure that in project settings: inputs, that everything is correct with the pawn you’re trying to control, along with the gamemode aligning with the pawn bp.

it maked me crazy ,i had same problem… Dude just click the screen when you start to simulate :smiley:


noooooo! this wasted me 3 hours :frowning: