Keyboard Events not working.. all the time

Ensure you have ‘consume input’ unchecked on the key node:


Otherwise, this keyboard press will be fighting with all the other blueprints you have the same node in. It will look exactly like it’s working randomly…

I have this Blue Print so when I hit a key on my keyboard it should trigger the Camera to move,
It works when I hook up Event Begin Play, but only sometimes when I hook up the Keyboard event.
I’m not sure what the reason is, or how to find out what the problem is.

thanks in advance for your help,

I do not know about it working sometimes. But,

Make sure this code is in your characterBP so that the keyboard inputs can received. And also the characterBP should be possessed by a controller.

If you want to do this without a character, and just control an actor from “outside”, you can set the “Auto Receive Input” to player 0 in your actorBP’s class defaults. Although this will probably cause problems down the road.

yes I do have that selected, but still no dice!

Yes, I built the whole thing as a Blue Print so the code to totally be there, its like the Blue Print doesn’t actually know that I’m hitting the keyboard button!

yes, I have tried to test it with the print string but it never works, but when I plug it into Event Begin play, it works every time!

thanks for your help, let me know if you can think of anything else

Unselected, not selected :wink:

Try putting a print string on the keyboard hit, it’s a much better way to test ( there might be other assumptions you’re making that don’t hold ).

Put the blueprint in a new level on it’s own, I think it will work.

In that case, you have another blueprint which IS consuming the key hit…

First question is, does it work in a fresh level?

is there a way to find it?? because I know I’ve looked, but have Been unsucessful

I get the same result in a brand new empty level.
my blue Print work when I hook up event Begin Play, but not when I Choose and Input Key (like NumPad1).
All I’m looking for is an a way to get an object to move from one location to another when I want it to.
I can’t even get the Print String to work with the key press. I’ve have event tried the input actions in the engine input and nothing.
Its like when I hit play the Blue Print doesn’t see my keyboard.
All I’m looking for is an a way to get an object to move from one location to another when I want it to.

Ok, is the blueprint enabled for input?

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Ahh man, it is totally working in the level Blue Print,
I had made an Actor Blue Print and it doesn’t appear to work in there. there must be some weird reason why they are different like that

Today I have found another solution by using some OSC controls to send commands and its been very reliable so far!

thank you for all your Help!