Keybind for create Math Expression node crash

In BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini I’ve added the following lines to make reroute and math expressions a bind.

+Node=(Class=K2Node_Knot Key=Tilde Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=K2Node_MathExpression Key=F2 Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)

this used to work in 4.7 in the file BaseEditorUserSettings.ini. but now K2Node_MathExpression crashes the editor on blueprint load and says it cannot find UEdGraph as an outer.

Does anyone have this working? If so, how?

I don’t suppose you’ve found an answer to this eh?
I’m all the way forward in UE5.3 and it still crashes. I’d love to get this working since I use those hotkeys a lot.