Key binding entry for "Clamp" material node


As a long time tech artist, “Clamp” is used in nearly every material I make (probably the most frequently used node after basic math & constants), but I am unable to bind a key to it in the editor settings.

Please consider this request to have “Clamp” added to the “Material Editor - Spawn Nodes” section of the keyboard shortcuts!

EDIT: Discord user HappyDay found a way to add the keybind - this is fine for me :slight_smile: (though I reckon clamp deserves a default bind)

just in case:

here is a workAround suggested by discord user HappyDay

Yup thanks HappyDay! This will do.

I used my Project\Config\DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini in this case:

+Node=(Class=MaterialExpressionClamp Key=X Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)