Keeping the same Animation but with the new duplicate things

Hi, I got a question I think I ask it on the good category but im not sure so I’ll go with my question.

I was wondering if it possible to duplicate for exemple my entire building and keep the animations/invisible prop that I made but assigned them automaticaly with the new building. Because when I duplicate somethings with animations or invisible prop that I made and you need to activate it in some way, the things to activate it is still linked to the original building. So I was wondering if it possible to make them assigned to the same things but with the duplicate building. So if I can save some hours of relinking my things, I do take it.

Exemple :
‘‘Building1’’ have the ‘‘Button1’’ that making the ‘‘Bed1’’ now visible.
(When Duplicated) ‘‘Building2’’ have the ‘‘Button2’’ that making the ‘‘Bed1’’ now visible.
But I want to make the ‘‘Bed2’’ now visible.

I hope it was clear and hope someone have a solution for this. Sorry for my language, I am a beginner with this type of language but got like 50 hours of maping in UEFN so I got some bases (I also donc speak English so well so)