Keep Velocity and acceleration when teleport (Portal Gun)

Good Morning everyone. I am making a portal gun for a project of mine and I just wanted to ask how I would save the velocity of the player before I teleport and apply the velocity of the player after I teleport. I have two separate portals as two separate actors but they both have the same code. I will show pictures of the code. Btw I am a novice at unreal I am not sure if that is important or not I just thought it would be good to let you guys know.

Coming late to the party but since I am in the same boat as you are my friend I thought I should leave a suggestion. Get the forward vector of the exit portal or exit actor , multiply that by the default acceleration of your player and set that as the new velocity of the player as soon as you exit. if you are actively maneuvering your player character when you exit the portal this will prevent the player from stopping for a moment when exiting the portal , will also prevent any jiggling or side movement if the exit portal is angeled differently from the enter potral. A brute solution but might work for some circumstances!