Keep USkeletalMeshComponent from falling asleep in C++ without WakeAllRigidBodies()

My daily reminder to bump this thread is not going away any time soon.

The definition of insanity: trying the same thing over and over and expecting anything to change.

Pretty please?

Pretty pretty please?

Happy two and a half months!

Isn’t this just a more complicated way of doing the same thing that WakeAllRigidBodies() does? I’m looking for a solution that is applied through initial configuration only, I don’t want to be telling the skeletal mesh NOT to do something every frame, that’s just a silly design philosophy.

Epic, someone please help me.

Please, I implore you. It’s been nearly 3 months. This is a simple question.

Help! I need somebody,
Help! Literally anybody…

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I’m still here, interested in literally any communication from Epic staff.

Pretty pretty please?

Happy 4 months!

Happy 6 months!

Changing the properties on the FBodyInstances will work if you do this before the bodies are added to the scene on initialization. However, if you are updating the properties after that point PhysX will not be aware of them and you will need to get the PxRigidDynamic actor from the body instance and call setSleepThreshold directly (which would mean you need a dependency on physx).

Changing the properties on the FBodyInstances will work if you do this before the bodies are added to the scene on initialization. However, if you are updating the properties after that point PhysX will not be aware of them and you will need to get the PxRigidDynamic actor from the body instance and call setSleepThreshold directly (which would mean you need a dependency on physx).

It looks like the settings in my physics asset are overriding the settings in C++ no matter what I do: in SkeletalMeshComponentPhysics.cpp line 1263 there’s a call to InitArticulated(), which loads in settings from the USMC’s physics asset. It looks like it is not possible for me to make changes to the BodyInstance settings before physics state gets created but after the physics asset settings are applied.