Keep The Door Closed

Keep The Door Closed

Hey guys,

This is my first Unreal Engine project. I’m really excited to be a participant in the Unreal Challenge. I’ve started to learn Unreal Engine this year and this is a good opportunity for me to see where I’ve gotten so far.
I hope you will like the video I made.

Link to the better quality video (without the YouTube compression) - Google Drive

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:

Project Screenshots



A policeman comes to an abandoned house to check strange activity happening there…

Engine Version: Unreal Engine 5.1.0 Preview 2


Greetings @le0rand !

Welcome to the Unreal Engine community! :medal_sports:

Thank you for participating in this month’s challenge, and congratulations on completing your first UE project!

Since this is your first project, out of everything that you’ve learned thus far, what would you say is the best lesson that you’ve learned? What advice would you give someone new to UE?


Hi @Get_DOVAH_it,

Thank you for the warm welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

At the beginning of this project, I had some issues which almost prevented me from finishing it. But I tried and tried again and finally got this result I’m proud of.

So, my advice would be never give up and keep trying. :upside_down_face: