Keep teams across rounds

Which device must I use so I can turn on that players keep their team after a round end

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Hello @UseCode100b !

If you are using FN 1.0, then you can use the save device to save teams:

Read more about the save device for 1.0 here

If you are using UEFN the save device is not available, therefor in the meantime - you can limit team rotations by round. Team rotation

“determines how frequently teams should be rotated. This is not supported when 3 or more teams are asymmetric or when teams are set to cooperative.”

Source: Game Settings

Meaning that players will stay on a team up to how many rounds you set for the game, then they would rotate teams. If your game is 5 rounds and you want them to stay on the same team for that amount of time, then you would set team rotation for 5 rounds. That way they will rotate teams when the next game starts.

You can find team rotation settings under island settings : Game Settings

Hope that helps!


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i cant find the save object and the met

For 1.0 you should be able to find the save point device located under the devices tab. To find it quickly, you can type “save” in the search bar.

You mentioned you are not able to find “the met”

If possible can you clarify what you mean by “the met”, so I can better assist :slight_smile: :+1:

could you please explain me how can i make players not to switch on team 1 on every round’s end? i have a 1v1 to 4v4 map that on round 1 has a ‘‘selecting team’’ phase.

Most certainly! Im making a piece control tutorial now and I will try to include this element in it. Once it is complete will link it for you here!

thank you

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Hey any updates?

:slight_smile: Yup!

Set up is done. I will be to going into production now to go over all the device details then editing down the video.

Thank you so much for checking up and I appreciate your patience!

Okay nice keep me updated

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Part 1 of the tutorial is now complete and published

And it should provide you insight on how you can make players not to switch on team 1 on every round’s end when I go over the game structure. Im still editing down Part 2 which would include all the settings for the pregame and team picker area, which may be helpful in your case. :slight_smile: :+1:

No Save Device Method

This game is structured in a way that allows players to stay on the same team until all rounds are completed without the use of the save device.

To do this, once players have to start on a global team – once they choose their teams (from the class selector device)
they will need to go to a separate area, a holding area to proceed further with the game. You will then need to create your own round rotations. I do it by using a tracker to track elims, and when a elim is made it increments a tracker I am using to keep an eye on the rounds. ( You can opt for a trigger instead if you prefer)

So when players start, they are on round 1, when the do a match, and someone makes an elim, it will increment the round tracker setting it to round two. The players are then transported back to the holding area to wait or change weapons, and then teleported back in for the next round. Once they complete all rounds, they are transported back to the game end area and switched to the global team - they will then have a choice to matchmake, or start another match.

If you want them to remain on the same team, even after they have completed all rounds, then you need to teleport them back to the team holding area.

Save Device Method

When your players switch team, set it up so that it saves the player after they have switched. If you are not setting your own rounds, then you need the save device to load the saved information for the player when the new round starts. Make sure the data is set to clear when the game ends. So that players can select their teams when a new game starts.

Do i really need an elimination tracker? I cant find the part where u explain how players remain on the same team

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ok no problem, i did mention it here

So it all depends on what you making and what you wan to happen.
If you don’t have rounds - then continue to teleport them back to the team holding area to go back again and again.

If making an FFA then no, you do not need an elimination tracker to assist with round count. Players can just pick teams - let red vs blue then be transferred to what ever area to play, then when the rounds ends- they are start again in the pregame and can reselect their teams. If you don’t want the round to end, then set game time limit to none.

If you are creating a game that is depended upon the rounds you set - like I have in the tutorial - then the elimination and round tracker is important. This is because when an elimination is made - it increases the round tracker, once the round trackers reaches the designated number of rounds, it sends the players back to the end game room- switching their teams back to global.

This breakdown of this is reflected in Part 3 (which is still in production and Im hoping to have ready soon.

Part 3 is now available to view