A fresh blueprint that extends a Pawn class will not work with Keep Simulation Result. However a fresh blueprint that extends a DefaultPawn will. The Pawn blueprint will not save simulation result even if I tweak all the settings in the Pawn blueprint to match the DefaultPawn blueprint. Please advise!
Hey ,
Thanks for making us aware of this issue. I have a few questions for you regarding your bug report:
- Is this happening on any fresh project that you try or specific templates?
- Could you please provide the reproduction steps that you’re to replicate this issue?
- Does this occur every time you attempt it or just some of the time?
- Are you using 4.8.0 or 4.8.1?
- Did you obtain the editor from the Epic Games Launcher or GitHub?
Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!
Hey ,
I have not heard from you since your initial post and for that reason, I must mark this question as resolved. However, if you have any further questions regarding this specific topic, please do not hesitate in replying back. For all other questions, please post a new thread to AnswerHub.
Have a great day!