Hi Guys. Recently Activision has released a USD of COD Warzone Caldera map as
USD: GitHub - Activision/caldera: Caldera data set from Call of Duty®: Warzone™ I am working on put it in UnrealEngine. I met some troubles with that.
I mainly use 5.4 for this. With USD Stage plugin on. I succesfully import caldera.usda, it showed the whole world by proxy. And I can turn it into full model by change the districtLOD viriant to “full”. Until now things are in expection. But full buildings could be really expensive. By the way I have a 3080Ti and a 4090 for working, with 128G ram. For that I tried to convert it into UE level, which could be better on performance.
When I was trying to “Import” it into UE level, the proxy terraian model converting failed, with no model in Conten browser. Then I tried it on 5.3, but failed either.
Another try is Exporting full model. It did successed. But new problem was that when I reopened the project, it crashed with the info “bad mesh description”. However it would not crash when I just reopen the level without closing the project. That made me confused.
I also tried 4.27, 5.2, which could not even import the proxy USD. But this could not be a problem if 5.4 working in expection.
Have you any guys working on it too or could give some advices?