Keep camera at current location in sequence

How do I edit sequence, to increase camera duration at the same location over more frames ? I’ve looked everywhere seeing nothing. Very new at this .


Click and drag out the red end line (in the timeline) to the right or go to the Perspective button in viewport → Cinematic Viewport , click on red numbers on the bottom right and type in the end frame.
You will also need to click on the far right edge of the Camera Cuts track (thumbnails) and drag to the right.

I did that, but the camera still only looks at, point X on the terrain for a second, and keeps going . Thats what I need, for it to stay at that spot for say 3 seconds, then keep going to end of sequence.


If you need it to stay in the same place then right-click on the keyframe and alt-drag to right to make a key later with the same position.

OK Thx, appreciate it ;_) What a great option !
Have a good day.