Kawaii Physics - Simple fake physics to sway bones more easily and more cutely

fair enough :slight_smile:
I found this plugin extremely usefull and easy to setup. I used it to give more life to some monsters… don’t know about kawaii - though it works real well! :slight_smile:

So any plans on updating this wonderful plugin for 4.24 @pafuhana1213 ?

This is not necessary; the current verrsion plugin compiles for 4.24 without errors

Oh so it compiles properly?
Even when packaging the game?


I have not tried it yet, but it is unlikely that there will be any problems

Thank you!

Please update to UE4.24 ,Thanks! ^ ^

Hi guys,
Sorry for my late update. And, thank you for your great help! :slight_smile:

v1.3.0 :
Update for UE4.24
v1.3.1 :
Fixed a bug where TeleportRotationThreshold was almost not working
v1.4.0 :
Corrected the calculation of the position update of the gravity variable was gt instead of 1/2 * gt ^ 2
If you want to use gravity calculation before 1.3.1, set p.KawaiiPhysics.EnableOldPhysicsMethodGravity to 1
v1.4.1 :
Fixed a bug that did not consider the Radius setting of Bone when LimitType of SphereLimit is Inner
If you want to return to the previous behavior, set CVarEnableOldPhysicsMethodSphereLimit to 1

( before -> after )


Really great work on this plugin! We’re finding it very useful. We did notice a very minor bug however where the plugin doesn’t work in standalone development builds. I posted an issue on your Github repo with the details. It’s an easy fix with the KawaiiPhysicsEd module needing its type set to DeveloperTool.

Hi Denny,
Thank you for your great help! I have finished to fixed this issue :slight_smile:


Awesome! Keep up the great work.

Update to v1.4.3
Fixed a bug that failed to create a package
From UE4.24, editor-only modules must be set to UncookedOnly…

Update to v1.4.4
Fixed a bug that failed to build plugin when using MacOS.

Hi guys,

Update to v1.4.5
Changed Gravity to work with Component Space.

Update to v1.4.6
Fixed a bug that crashes when the same bone as Root is specified as ExcludeBone.
Added the process of displaying Warning or Error on a node in case of an invalid setting.
Technical Description: Anim Nodeに不正な値が設定された際に、ノードを Warning / Error 表示にしたり AnimBPをコンパイルエラーにする方法について - ぼっちプログラマのメモ

Update to v1.5.0
Added the BoneForwardAxis property to set the orientation of the bone. This only affects the behavior of DummyBone.

Update tov1.5.1
Fixed a bug that the display position of debug display by bEnableDebugBoneLengthRate was misaligned.
↑Change the text format of the debug display to the same as the engine standard bone name display

Update to v1.5.2
Fixed a bug in v1.5.1 that did not take DummyBone into account.

And, I’ve uploaded the zip files for the 4.24 and 4.25

I’ve created adoption page.

I’m really happy that my plugins have already been adopted by some great games!](採用実績 Adoption · pafuhana1213/KawaiiPhysics Wiki · GitHub)
If you’re using my plugin in your work, I’d be happy if you let me know about it :slight_smile:

Hi pafuhana1213,

I found this plug-in half a year ago, after integrating it into my project, it solved nearly all of my problems regarding physic simulation while traversing at high speed. I wrote a blog post about this, and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Here is a BIG THANK YOU for your effort! :3


Wow, amazing work. I’m stunned this is free. Would this work with ragdoll physics?

Update to v.1.5.3

  • Fixed a bug that prevented parameter adjustments with curves from working properly when the BoneIndex of Mesh and Skeleton were different.

Update to v.1.6.0


And…sorry for my late reply…

Hi rit,
Thank you for your using and writing a great blog post!
I’m very happy to help you!

Hi muchogrande,
Unfortunately, it’s not useful as a ragdoll.
This plugin is completely within SkeletalMeshComponent, so it can’t recognize external floors and walls, etc.
Maybe…you can do something ragdoll-like with PlanaerLimtis but I just don’t recommend it.

oh sorry I misunderstood,
I have not tried this plugin in conjunction with the ragdoll (PhysicsAsset). Probably PhysicsAsset takes precedence over the PhysicsAsset control, so it should be important to decide which bones to apply PhysicsAsset to!

Thanks, yes I did some tests and it appears that PA takes precedence. So as long as you have a good PA the transition from Kawaii to ragdoll works (in theory, I have yet to do a detailed practical application!) Thanks for continuing work on this excellent system!

Hi pafuhana1213,
playing around with the plugin, i noticed an error when trying to launch a packaged .exe (UE4 version is 4.25). It says:

“Plugin ‘KawaiiPhysics’ failed to load because module ‘KawaiiPhysics’ could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.”

Starting the standalone in editor is fine, so the plugin is working. Is there any way to work around this problem? Help would be greatly appreciated.