Kamyker's Verse Wishlist

Here’s my wishlist of bugs/missing features in Verse. Just putting it out here so I can stop thinking about them.

I hope to find some time to properly report bugs with repro projects and explain the need of new features:

Language only


  • “var” variables support in parametric types - without them parametric classes are very limited in use, this features removes massive amount of boilerplate code that’s required currently

  • make ‘type’ comparable - for ex. in dependency injection framework types would be used as keys in a map

  • no way to cast using parametric type https://twitter.com/kamyker/status/1655566126187773952


  • defer sometimes doesn’t execute

  • unstable parameteric methods - random freezes when using for ex. parametric bubble sort, not easy to repro as depends on project complexity

  • Verse freezes require a long process of restarting Fortnite/UEFN or waiting few minutes, launching new session immediately simply doesn’t work.

  • nested modules should be public instead of internal - a module created using a folder is internal instead of public preventing 2nd level parent module from using it.
    In other words my LibraryModule isn’t able to access anything from LibraryModule/AnotherModule/TargetModule.

Engine integration


  • A way to attach/reparent positionals or transforms to each other
  • MoveTo or animation controller for ui widgets

Fortnite integration


  • A way to attach/reparent creative_props to each other, transforms and fort_characters

Thank you for the feedback. I’ll pass this along.

Thank you! I will be updating the list over time.

Added the “add support for “var” variables in parametric types” that’s actually the most important improvement I forgot.

Added FN/Engine sections and reparent feature.

Darn, I have the exact same wishlist regarding everything you mentioned about parametrics. I saw this ones being requested in the forums and on discord, is there any confirmation that this is actually something being considered?

I am not exaggerating, but it is really important to add these things because otherwise Verse simply isn’t useful for anything else than extremely simple tasks.

Some time has passed and unfortunately nothing was added. Possibly “long process of restarting Fortnite/UEFN or waiting few minutes” was improved or I’ve learnt what to avoid in Verse to not freeze anymore.

Parametric methods still freeze whole server in large projects (7000+ loc). Impossible to use them unfortunately in my maps.