Just why!?

And why are ALL of these exposed to Library?
(Replace and consolidate assets)


Presumably because you have many functions called the same thing, in different parts of the asset registry ( different folder in the content browser ).

yea, ofcource, but why would they (Mega scans) ever autor it (Engine Content) like this?
I would expect a global folder that hold 1 copy of each material fuction. Like a sane person. ^^, And IF they have to have several copies don’t expose them all the the library. It’s litterally polluting the search menu.

I checked, I only have one MF_Tiling for each kind of material. Maybe it’s something weird with the project folder structure…

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My MSPresets folder looks like this:

It’s probably supposed to be like this, just triggering my esthetic senses ^^,

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Yes, looks ok… :melting_face: