Just wanted to say thanks for UE4

To the good people at Epic:

Thanks to you guys I wasn’t kicked out of college, thanks a lot.

I’m at the University of Washington and here the only majors I cared for are competitive. Because of my transfer situation I only had a single chance to apply to majors while other students have several (which no one told me about until orientation). I already had a block on my registration so you can imagine how anxious I was.

On reddit one morning I saw a post saying Epic was licensing their engine to indie developers for $20 dollars. I had played an indie game made with UDK once called Dream of the Blood Moon, and I was super impressed with it, so I downloaded UE4 the same day even though I had never worked with a game engine.

So for my major application, knowing very little blueprint and nothing about 3D modeling, within a week I put together a little game presentation with UE4 talking about why I want to go into game dev. And I got accepted! They said it was their most competitive year and that I barely got in, so I can say for certain I wouldn’t be studying what I love now without Epic and the Unreal Engine. Thanks guys, I owe you one.

Awesome! Best of luck to you, and let us know what you end up building! :cool:

I know it’s a few days old, but I stumbled upon this post in a google search - maybe you can still see a reply!

I just wanted to say that it was really really cool for me to read that you not only got inspired by my game, but that the result of that inspiration had such a positive effect for you!

I wish you the best on your way!

Also thanks to Epic for their work on this engine from me as well, I’ve been a fan since the very first Unreal!

ye nice i got my free pack too ty

I also want to say thanks to EPIC for the free UE4 from github.

My university is one from the Caribbean, University of Trinidad and Tobago and I didn’t even believe we would be entitled to this Engine since we aren’t considered a first world. But it was lovely to be treated as equals and given this amazing piece of software for free as a student.

Even though my course is that of Computer Engineering it still has a strong focus on a Computer Science Major and I have dedicated all my spare time to mastering UE4 and building the best game I can so EPIC can make some money off me. LOL 5% is charity anyways I kinda feel bad using UE4 for free so hopefully one day I can repay EPIC for this wonderful gift :slight_smile: