I just updated my project from 4.19.2 to 4.20. Its an IOS project that uses AR in case that’s important, and I’m currently building it on a Window’s system, so I use the Blueprint only method of coding to side load it onto IOS devices associated with my IOS developer certificate. I’m currently getting the following error code
ERROR: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file ‘D:\CyberPunky\Binaries\IOS\CyberPunky.target’.
I looked in the directory its naming, and that file isn’t there. Is there some way to generate a target file using an installer based version of the engine?
Just came because I’m facing a file not found exception since I updated to 4.20.1, but with another plugin. Not sure if related, want to leave this here:
Running 4.20.3 here, get the same exact problem with the .target file on my BP-only project while trying to deploy from my project onto iPhone as ‘development’.
I’ve renamed my project to not contain spaces, removed ‘intermediate’ and ‘saved’ folders but as expected no luck.
I’ve deployed successfully many times on the same project from earlier versions of Unreal. My project was an upgraded project from way back, perhaps 4.10.
Tested on both Windows and Mac with UE 4.20.3 blank blueprint only project - same problem. UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): ERROR: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Projects\UE4\IOSTest\Binaries\IOS\IOSTest-IOS-Shipping.target’. is missing
I see no “Binaries” directory inside of my project dir structure. I suppose it should be created by the engine?
I was having the same issue trying to build onto iPhone. Solution for me was to have the online subsystem plugins enabled, both for iOS AND Google for some reason.
i have the same problem, i upgraded my project from 4.12 to 4.20.3
i build my project on windows, only blueprint
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): ERROR: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path ‘D:\UnrealProjects\MinskProject_4.20\Binaries\IOS\MinskProject.target’.
solution with enable online subsytem plugins dont work for me, unreal requires a server name
I have exactly the same problem trying to launch the AR handheld blueprint template remote from my win10 via a macbook on to my iphone.
Launch starts compiling all shaders then I get the error about the missing Projectname.traget file in Binaries\IOS.
enabling online subsystem plugins doesn´t help me either. Any solution for this?
I had the same problem and I resolved it somehow, but I’m not exactly sure how, it’s been a while.
I think it just had to do with the .uproject not having “Enabled”: true set correctly for the plugins or the .uplugin not having “Installed”: true.
Maybe someone could try this and see if it helps.
In the root of your project you should have this .uproject file which is essentially a json file. It will be opened using ue4 by default but you can just right click → open with → any text editor.
The .uplugin files are located under /Plugins//pluginName.uplugin. Same deal here, just open it with a text editor.
Hi all!. I have this same problem when trying to compile from a mac. Looking in .project to see that it has enabled the subsystem. but I still get the same error. I am already somewhat desperate with this, because I must upload the version of my game soon to the IOS. Thanks in advance for the help
Hey try to remove all the plugins from the .uproject text file for now and make sure in the project setting it has been setup correctly too. Hopefully it allows the export.
Good luck and in my case it was the fact the project setting value was not being change correctly from in editor.
disable the subsystem plugins and re-enable them. Followed by that, generate the project build. Once my .IPA was generated in the binaries folder, it was already on. target, which I can launch without problems. Thank you