So I’ve been working on a project for almost 2 months until the latest update. During my post-update session, the Revision Control disconnected and I noticed I couldn’t save my project. After messing around for a few min, I removed the Revision Control (since I know I can turn it back on) and was able to successfully save. For some reason, I couldn’t turn it back on. Not cool, so I then backed up the files onto a drive to be safe. Then I restarted the editor to find out that my project wasn’t showing in the editor. So I checked my files to see this deleted my actual uefnproject file from the folder. However, my Plugin folder with Content is still there.
After some research I learned I can import my old Content folder into a new project’s folder to keep everything. This worked, except for the umap (level). When I open the level, all of my assets are now greyed-out with ‘(Unloaded)’ at the end and the map looks empty. Everything seems invisible. I tried some solutions I read online like “pinning the assets” but that didn’t work. I then read online that this can be fixed by right clicking the World Partition Map and manually Unloading regions for the assets to be visible again. For some context, I have Streaming enabled, but have so many new map errors after the update (like invalid assets) that I cannot successfully generate a World Partition Map to try this fix. Am I going the right direction? Is it possible to have someone at Epic save the day? Lol seriously tho. Any help would be appreciated!
If you’ve spent that much time on it I would suggest you look into the command line tool for getting old versions of your island back.
This should give you a little bit of help in recovering your island. If you continue to have trouble respond to this thread and I’ll read the documentation and make a tutorial. If that isn’t enough to get your stuff back get in touch with me (Imaginary Component) and we’ll eventually figure it out.
Hey thank you! I definitely should have read all of this before working on anything. I see I should have just pressed the Play button to resync instead of removing Unreal Revision Control. However, I don’t think I can get my original uefnproject file back since the revert methods provided in the documentation require the project to at least exist before typing in the command lines. The uefnproject file is gone. Also since I removed URC from it, the urc folder files are empty which I assume means there’s no data to even retrieve using PowerShell and CLI?
The silver lining is I still have the Plugins (with Content) so my Verse files and custom assets are alive. Like I mentioned, I already migrated these to another project and now am facing the level assets’ (Unloaded) issue. If I can’t solve this, I’ll just have to make the level from scratch.
I’ve deleted my local directory for a project in the past, then had the project show up as a possible project to load in the ‘open project’ window. When I loaded it, it was a full working project. Removing source control may have destroyed your project, though. I don’t know; if you see the project on your ‘Projects’ page, there’s some hope.
I’d TRY the urc project list command and see if your project was in that list. Then you could at least get it from there and start the recovery process.
See if your level is listed in your projects on the creator portal.
If nothing else works perhaps just move your local project files somewhere then reinstall a fresh UEFN with no local files and as @Nooberling indicated you should be able to download the last online save.