Just a couple improvements to Paper2D

This issue might of already been beaten to death but I couldn’t find any dedicated thread or resource for it; I apologize if this is a repost.

Both of these problems are with Paper2D.

  1. Capsule component as character navigation is problematic in many ways. It let’s users walk edges as though they are rounded, and it can be a little wonky performing hit detection with capsules while using sprites.

Now, I am aware that Use Flat Edge can eliminate the edge climb but this presents another problem.

  1. Using Flat Edge detection causes the player to hover on angled floors. In addition the sprite sometimes does a little hop, like it’s hitting a bump in the terrain. This can happen on completely flat terrain, walls. I don’t see any patterns in what determines where the bumps are but once there the pawn seems to always hit it.

One time bump


You should try and adjust the , step height’ setting to make it more sensitive. I have found that a value of 10 is usually good for most situations but feel free to play around .

Hey ,

If changing the ’ step height’ as suggested by does not work and you’re still experiencing trouble with Paper 2D, feel free to post to Answer Hub. You can do so by going to: https://answers.unrealengine.com/

If this is more of a request that you’re wanting, please provide as many details as possible so that I can look into requesting these tools for you and all of our other users.

I appreciate your time. Thanks!

There was an issue with sprites bouncing on flat paths as though there was a very small defect in the terrain. Step height had no impact on fixing this. However, I was using BSPs at the time, so that may of been the issue. I’m not seeing this behavior with regular blocking volumes.

One thing I would like to see with paper2d is the ability to add more collision boxes. Currently there is only the capsule. You cannot seem to make the player collide or overlap objects with additional collision boxes.