Jumping off walls

So the only good documentation i could find online was this

and its not explained very well, could anyone perhaps explain this to me?

I am trying to enable a char to jump off a wall. IE wall jump

A quick and dirty fix off of the top of my head:

  1. Give all your walls that can be wall jumped a collision volume and call it something like “canWallJumpHere” or something similar. Place this in such a way that the character overlaps the area only when it can wall jump.
  2. Make a new class that extends from your basic character class.
  3. Add a “bIsWallJumping” boolean variable and default it to “false”.
  4. In the part of your script that drives character movement (particularly “jumping”), insert some logic that:
    A. Checks if “bIsJumping” is “true”
    B. Checks if “self” is overlaping with “canWallJumpHere”
    C. Checks if “bIsWallJumping” is “false”.
    If all the above conditions are met, add another jump impulse (you can just copy paste the entire “Jump” code with just a few minor modifications to make it work)
  5. Link up the appropriate animations.

Good luck!

Take a look at the 2D stick figure example they have in the launcher (Learning Tab). This has a simple 2D wall jump that might be useful to you. From what I remember it shouldn’t be to difficult to move this to be 3D if that is what you are after.

Im not too sure how the overlapping is done, how do i connect the collision voume with that? and what node am i using for it. thank you.

Use the “on actor overlap” event. Try watching a few tutorials on handling events and overlapping to get a sense of how the logic of the code flows.

Good luck mate